A Quick Start Guide on How to Crochet
New to crochet? Wondering where to start? Not sure what to do with that cool yarn you picked up at the store? Well, good news! We are going back to basics and learning how to crochet for beginners with this quick start guide.
What is Crochet?
According to Wikipedia, crochet is a method of creating textiles by using a crochet hook to interlock loops of yarn, thread or strands of other materials.
What Can I Make with Crochet?
There are so many possibilities when it comes to making things with crochet! You can make almost anything out of crochet, but some of the most popular items include:
- Blankets
- Hats and Headbands
- Scarves
- Sweaters and Tops
- Socks
- Market Bags
- Toys (Amigurumi)
- Doilies
- Table Runners
- Pillows
- Tapestries/Wall Decorations
Not only do you get to choose the type of yarn and color combinations to make these items, you get the satisfaction of knowing that you made something by hand! How awesome is that?
Where to Start When Crocheting
If you haven’t already, visit your local craft or big box store (or check out online) and head to the yarn aisle. Pick out a yarn that you’re drawn to, and check out the label on your yarn.
On the yarn label, it should have a recommended hook size that you should use when working with that yarn. It’ll probably have knitting needle sizes on there too, but disregard those recommendations.
Crochet hooks should be nearby, grab the number hook your yarn label recommends. Most hooks are measured in millimeters, but some have letters. The most common hook size used is a H-8 or 5mm.
Grab a tapestry needle and some scissors as well. You’ll need the tapestry needle to hide any ends of your yarn that show after you’re done with your project.
Learn How to Hold Your Hook and Yarn
There’s a couple different ways you can hold your yarn and hook, but I would just hold your yarn and hook in a way that feels the most comfortable for you.
It’s probably going to feel weird and clunky when you first try, that’s ok, just keep practicing. As you learn to crochet, you’ll learn how tight or loose (this is called tension) to make your stitches. Just remember to relax!
How to Put Your Yarn on Your Crochet Hook
In order to start crocheting, you will have to attach the yarn to the hook with a slip knot.
Crochet A Starting Chain (Ch)
Most crochet patterns will tell you how many chains to start with. This is usually abbreviated as ch.
To make your first chain, you need to grab your yarn with your crochet hook and pull it through the slip knot. This is called yarning over and pulling through. You might need to loosen up your slip knot if you find it difficult to get your hook through.
It’s important to relax and not make your chains super tight.
It’s really hard to get your hook into your tight chains when you go back over the top, plus your hands will most likely cramp. This part takes practice until you can get a consistent tension down.
Stop after you’ve made the number of chains your pattern says or until you’re happy with the length.
Turning Your Work and Crocheting into the Starting Chain
Many patterns will tell you what kind of stitches to crochet into your starting chain. You’ll need to go back down or turn to crochet back into the chain.
Let’s look at a couple of beginner stitches that will be useful for you.
Crocheting a Slip Stitch (Sl St)
A slip stitch, also abbreviated as sl st, is typically used to join your work or make very small stitches.
Slip stitches aren’t usually used in the starting chain, as it can be difficult to crochet into such a small space, but you can practice a slip stitch into yours if you’d like.
Steps to Slip Stitch (sl st):
- Insert your hook into the 2nd chain of your foundation chain, or into the stitch.
- Grab your yarn with your crochet hook (yarn over), pull the yarn through your chain (or stitch). You will have what looks like two loops on your hook.
- Pull the yarn all the way through or in other words, pull the loop closest to your hook through the second loop.
Crocheting a Single Crochet (Sc)
A single crochet, also abbreviated as sc, is a very common stitch used. I suggest practicing going down your starting chain with this stitch first.
Single crochets are used for many projects and are typically the only stitch used if you’re making crochet toys (also called amigurumi).
They are a little taller than slip stitches, but shorter than double crochets.
Steps to single crochet (sc):
- Insert your hook into the second chain from your crochet hook (or into the next stitch). Inserting it into the first chain doesn’t really work, you can try it if you want to see what I mean.
- Grab your yarn with your crochet hook (yarn over), pull the yarn through the chain. You should have two loops on your hook.
- Yarn over again and pull it through both loops on your hook.
- Move onto the next chain and practice another single crochet. Try not to single crochet in the same chain you just single crocheted into.

Crocheting a Double Crochet (Dc)
A double crochet, also abbreviated as dc, is another common stitch used in many crochet patterns.
Double crochets are much taller than single crochets. Patterns like blankets, will use this stitch to achieve the desired length or height quickly.
Steps to double crochet (dc):
- Grab your yarn with your hook/wrap it around your hook (yarn over) then insert your hook into the third chain from your crochet hook.
- Yarn over again and pull it through your chain (you should have three loops on your hook).
- Yarn over again and pull it through the first two loops on your hook (you should have two loops on your hook).
- Yarn over again (yes I know), and pull it through the last two loops on your hook.
Chaining and Turning Your Work Again
Once you reach the end of your starting chain with single or double crochets, you’ll need to keep building on top of your stitches.
I find that chaining a number of chains first and then turning works better, but you can turn your work first and then chain if you prefer.
Your pattern should tell you how many chains to chain, if you’re planning on single crocheting in the first stitch of your next row, chain 1.
If you’re planning on double crocheting in the first stitch of your next row, chain 3.
Your pattern will also tell you whether or not your chains are going to be considered a stitch or not, this will determine which stitch you crochet into first.
Single crochet or double crochet into your first stitch and every stitch down your row.
Chain and turn your work again. Be sure to count your stitches as it’s easy to skip a stitch after turning your work.
Continue this way until you’ve reached the height you desire.

Finishing Your Crochet Project and Weaving in Yarn Ends
Once you’ve reached the length and height of your crochet project, leave a little length of yarn and cut it with your scissors.
Pull the rest of the yarn through with your crochet hook.
With your tapestry needle, thread your yarn through the eye of the needle and weave in and out through your stitches to hide the yarn. Make sure the yarn is weaved securely and cut off any excess.
Wrapping Up…
These are the basic steps you should take in order to learn how to crochet. Remember, grab your yarn and hook, make a starting chain, crochet back into the starting chain and build on top of your stitches, cut your yarn and weave in your ends.
As a beginner crocheter, I learned a lot from video tutorials (there’s tons out there). I would slow down the play back speed of any video tutorial if you find that they’re going to fast.
Start small. Try out small, beginner projects first like a square coaster, dishcloth, or bracelets until you get a feel for what stitches look like and get better at crocheting.
Don’t be afraid to post questions online to other fellow crocheters if you’re not sure how to read a pattern or are stuck. r/crochet on Reddit is a fairly active and helpful source of crochet information.
Good luck and happy crocheting!