21 Stunning Crochet Lace Stitches

Hello everyone, today I have 21 Stunning Crochet Lace Stitches that you have to try if you love crocheting lace!

Are you looking for lacy, openwork, or airy crochet stitches? Need a little inspiration for your next crochet lace project? This list is perfect for you!  

What sort of projects can you crochet with lace? You can use these stitches for things like bags, table cloths, curtains, lacy scarves, shawls, garments, or even veils! Making lace is a lot of fun and I’ve personally made crochet lace patterns like a Gothic Table Runner and an Infinity Veil.

I have crocheted all 21 of these crochet lace stitches myself, however, some of them don’t have a written pattern, and are charts/diagrams only. A few of these stitch patterns I could not find the original creator or the website, but the charts are available as pins on Pinterest. If you know any of these stitch patterns or the creator, please let me know in the comments below so I can properly credit them.

Today I am using a variety of crochet thread from Hobby Lobby’s Artiste line. However, you can use any sort of yarn you like, just make sure to use an appropriate sized hook for your yarn size.

Without further ado, here’s a list of 21 Stunning Crochet Lace Stitches that you should try today!

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21 Stunning Crochet Lace Stitches:

1. Solomons Knot 

Click here to learn the Solomon’s Knot Stitch

The Solomon’s Knot stitch (also known as the Lover’s Knot stitch) is a lacy stitch that is so cool to do! I’ve actually crocheted a very pretty Solomon’s Knot veil using this type of stitch. 

When crocheted, this stitch looks like little X’s or diamonds. This stitch is achieved by making really tall single crochets and then single crocheting again into the back loop (3rd loop) of the tall single crochet stitch. You can change the way the stitch pattern looks depending on how high you make your single crochets.

2. Lace Star Flower Stitch

Click here to learn the Lace Star Flower Stitch

The Lace Star Flower stitch is an airy, openwork crochet stitch that looks like a pointed flower or a star. This stitch is one of those stitches that looks harder to do than it actually is. It’s a two row repeat and is achieved by making V stitches, chains, and single crochets.

3. Flower Garden Stitch

Click here to learn the Flower Garden Stitch

The Flower Garden stitch is a flowery, lacy crochet stitch. Use it to feminize crochet projects like market bags or scarves or shawls or make a veil like this one. This stitch is a little more complex with a 4 row repeat and is achieved by making a series of treble clusters, V stitches, and chains. 

4. Fancy Lace Stitch

Click here to learn the Fancy Lace Stitch

The Fancy Lace stitch is a wonderfully simple lace stitch that consists of little mini shells. To crochet the stitch, you will make 2 double crochets, chain 2, and then 2 more double crochets into the same stitch, then repeat. It’s so easy…and fancy!

5. Picot Trellis Stitch

Click here to learn the Picot Trellis Stitch

The Picot Trellis stitch is an interesting, open crochet stitch that uses picots and chains to create a mesh like fabric. A picot is made by single crochet into a stitch, chaining a number of chains (in this pattern it’s a chain 3), and then single crocheting into the same stitch. This is another easy, two round repeat stitch pattern.

6. Y Stitch

Click here to learn the Y Stitch

The Y stitch is a fun combination stitch that looks just like the letter Y! This stitch is made by treble crocheting, chaining 1, and then double crocheting into the post of the same treble crochet just made. 

7. Treble Cross Stitch

Click here to learn the Treble Cross Stitch

The Treble Cross stitch is an X shaped stitch that is tall and lacy. This stitch is achieved by crocheting two stitches together and then doing a similar technique seen with the Y stitch back into the middle of what is the X. It’s pretty neat!

8. Eyelet Mesh Stitch

Click here to learn the Eyelet Mesh Stitch

The Eyelet Mesh stitch is a light, open crochet stitch that creates little eyelets as you work. An eyelet is defined as a small hole, edged with embroidered stitches as part of a design. In this case the eyelet is created by make a wide V stitch and then single crocheting into the top of the V stitch chain space to make those “embroidered” stitches. It’s a simple 2 row repeat with double crochets, single crochets, and chains being the only types of stitches used.

9. Crochet Leaf Stitch

Click here to learn the Crochet Leaf Stitch

The Crochet Leaf stitch is a more complex crochet lace stitch that looks like two little leaves coming off a stem. This stitch does not have a written pattern, but a chart is provided with the repeat formula outlined to make the pattern as long or short as you’d like.  

10. Crochet Open Boho Lace Stitch

Click here to learn the Open Boho Lace Stitch

This is another lacy stitch that is a chart only pattern. I honestly don’t know if this particular stitch has an official name, but I did find a crochet boho sweater pattern that used this same stitch, so I’ll just call it the Boho Lace stitch for this article. It’s a really easy repeat and works up so nicely. This pattern consists of V stitches, chains, and single crochets.

11. Shells and Chains Stitch

Click here to learn the Shells and Chains Stitch

The Shells and Chains Stitch is a beautiful pattern that consists of an arrangement of shells and lacy chains. This pattern is a chart only, but once a few rows are worked, you’ll whip this up in no time.

12. Diamond Mesh Stitch

Click here to learn the Diamond Mesh Stitch

The Diamond Mesh stitch is a classic crochet lace stitch. You’ll see this type of stitch in many crochet doily and shawl patterns and is easily customizable by increasing or decreasing the amount of chains between single crochets. This pattern is in UK terms, not US, so keep that in mind (when the pattern says double crochet, that actually means single crochet in US terms).

13. Spider Lace Stitch

Click here to learn the Spider Lace Stitch

The Spider Lace stitch looks exactly like a spider in a window (I guess technically it has 6 legs, not 8, but we’re rolling with it). This stitch uses a combination of mesh stitches, chains, and a double crochet cluster. 

14. Lace Flower Stitch

Click here to learn the Lace Flower Stitch

The Lace Flower stitch is created by crocheting, cute little puff stitches that make up three flower petals, surrounded by chains. 

15. Zigzag Lace Stitch 

Click here to learn the Zigzag Lace Stitch

The Zigzag Lace stitch is a fun crochet stitch pattern. You either chain 2 or chain 6 and place double crochets in such a way that it creates a zig zag effect.

16. Lacy Clubs Stitch

Click here to learn the Lacy Clubs Stitch

I’m actually not sure what this stitch is officially called, but as I was crocheting this swatch, it reminded me of the suit of clubs in traditional card games. This is a chart only pattern, but I found that crocheting into the chains themselves (not the spaces) really helped keep the club together. 

17. Geometric Circles Stitch

Click here to learn the Geometric Circles Stitch

Another mystery stitch, in which I am unsure of the name, so I’m calling it the Geometric Circle stitch. This is a simple crochet pattern in which you will create little “spoked” circles that make an overlapping illusion, so it’s kind of fun to look at if I’m going to be honest. This stitch pattern is made by chains and double crochets and is pretty easy to remember after crocheting a few rows.

18. Open and Closed Squares Stitch

Click here to learn the Open and Closed Squares Stitch

This openwork crochet stitch consists of tiny, open squares, and larger, open squares. It almost reminds me of a retro tile pattern. In this stitch pattern, I suggest again, crocheting into the chains, not into the chain spaces.

19. Retro Lace Stitch

Click here to learn the Retro Lace Stitch

The Retro Lace stitch pattern is another geometric lace stitch that consists of chains, single crochets and treble crochets. It’s another stitch pattern that is easy to do once you get into a rhythm. 

20. Little Lace Flowers Stitch

Click here to learn the Little Lace Flowers Stitch

This is a cute, lacy crochet stitch that creates little, 3 petaled flower motifs. You’ll chain between the flower motifs to give this stitch pattern a lacy look. This is a pattern where I would recommend to single crochet the flower petals into the chains themselves and not the chain spaces, so that the finished fabric looks more polished.

21. Shell Lattice Stitch

Click here to learn the Shell Lattice Stitch

I hope you enjoyed this list of 21 Stunning Crochet Lace Stitches and that they inspire you to create something great! 

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